Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Spring Time II

As often happens, I am very far behind on blogging. Here is some what we have been up to:

Our Amateur Garden

We (meaning Kent) planted a garden. Last year we tried pumpkins, and harvested two. This year we are being a bit more ambitious. We planted tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, watermelon, and a whole row of raspberries.

These are special raspberries, we were given the starts by some wonderful people I have gotten to know at work. These raspberries bear fruit twice a year, in the spring and in the fall, and they grow quickly. We will have some fruit this fall, in two years we should have lots!

All that was planted at the time this picture was taken were the raspberries. It has been about a month since then. Now everything else has been planted and is off to a great start. This is our second year trying to grow anything, but Kent is doing an amazing job. Our garden doesn't look amateur at all. I think we're going to actually get a good harvest.

Camryn Graduated from Kindergarten

I couldn't get out of work this time, but Kent was able to go, and he got some video for me. The theme was fruits and vegetables. Each child was a vegetable, one that started with the same letter as their name. So Camryn was a carrot.

In the song, Camryn was the only one doing the actions at the same time as the teacher. Everyone else was behind. She's our little performer.

She had a fascination with her diploma? She played with it the whole time.

She finally got it open. Look at her face!

We loved her teacher, Ms. Jacobsen. We are going to miss her. I got misty eyed when picking Camryn up on the last day of school. Camryn cried on the way home. Ms. Jacobsen said Camryn could come visit her classroom whenever she wanted. Camryn said that waiting all summer before she could see her again was too long.

Camryn really had a great year in school. She is reading so well. She loved school.

We are now looking forward to first grade!

Memorial Day Weekend

We went to Blackfoot to visit my family. Nicole and her family were able to visit as well. One day, we took all the kids to the zoo in Idaho Falls.

Corinne and Marley were both the cutest! They both pointed and got so excited at each animal.

Their favorite seemed to be these little monkeys.

We had the most fun watching these two cute girls!

These were my favorite monkeys:

The otters were a favorite as well.

Corinne is already trying to be so independent. She wanted to push the stroller.

At home we see her striving for independence as well. She always wants to feel herself. This day she got to feed herself some yogurt.

She is growing up too fast!

New Bikes
Camryn has outgrown her bike. It is time a new bike, without training wheels.

Kent has been working with her. I tried to help as well, but she tells me, "Daddy does it better. Can I do it with Daddy instead?"

Kendra also got a new bike, Camryn's old bike.

She is happy with this hand-me-down.

Camp Out
Our kids LOVE camping. It may be awhile before we are able to get away on a camping trip, so Kent improvised.

He went camping with our girls in our backyard.


All of our girls have also been loving jumping, or being bounced, on the trampoline.

Corinne decided she wanted a kiss and puckered up.

Daddy was quick to oblige.
Can you guess what happened when Daddy got a kiss from this sweet little ball of static electricity?






Somebody got shocked.

Her hair almost lays flat again.

Camryn and her BFF

Camryn still says Brayden is her BFF. We are in the same ward. One Sunday morning, Camryn got a little grumpy. I asked her what was wrong. She said she didn't want Brayden to see her like this.

See the three small bruises on her forehead and eye? That is what she was so worried about. I don't think I was able to contain my laugh, which only made it worse. Then I tried to be a good mom and comfort her.

If you ask either of them, they are NOT boyfriend and girlfriend, they are just best friends. They have both been very adamant about that. Things like this kinda tell a different story though.

With school being out, Camryn has missed Brayden and asked to have him over for a playdate. So we invited Brayden and his sister Zoe over.

Brayden brought camryn three letters when he showed up. Here is one.

Camryn told me she wants to say yes. So much for NOT being boyfriend and girlfriend.


Danielle said...

Okay, I'm still laughing about electric kiss. Poor girl, but that was funny. We miss you guys already down here! Hope your drive back was a lot easier!

Marsha said...

Corinne's hair was hilarious even before the kiss, that was great!
You guys sure know how to have a great time. I loved the backyard campout.
You didn't tell us Camryn's answer to the letter?

Julie w said...

Aww! Camryn has a boyfriend. That's so cute! Fun pic's!