Saturday, June 20, 2009

We're all NUTS

Amanda came to stay with us for 5 weeks for one of her PA rotations for school. For those of you that do not know, Amanda is my sister-in-law, Taylor's wife. We were all excited to have her come.
But it soon became apparent that Amanda, Kent, and I must all be nuts.

First of all, let me tell you about this exercise program Amanda and I have been doing together. Has anyone heard of crossfit? It is this crazy super high intensity workout program. We would go together at 6:00 am Monday through Thursday.

Amanda with Jeff Bolton, the over the top trainer that is behind this all. He's the one that pushes us, and shows us we are wrong when we say, "there's no way I can do that!"
We got to be good friends with this pull-up bar. When we started, neither of us could do a real pull up alone. Amanda got up to 3 in a row (that I know of, it could have been more).
Amanda was the really crazy one here. She would go to the class in the morning, then go again at 6:00 that night, two classes a day.
All her hard work paid off. She smoked everyone in the class. She is in seriously AMAZING good shape. What an athlete.

Here we both are, after getting out butts whooped at the end of a class. There is no other way to describe it than flat out NUTS!

Then, we all thought it wouldn't be a big deal to have Taylor bring their two dogs up for a visit.

That makes four dogs, inside one house. I think that speaks for itself.

Kent has got to be the one that is nuttiest of all. He went from living alone as a single bachelor up to the age of 29. Then he decides to get married and move in with FOUR women (me, Camryn, Kendra, and Amanda). Poor guy. What a great sport though. I love you, honey.


The Cook Clan said...

Wow, you guys rock! It's so hard to be motivated but its nice cuz you two have each other! Way to be girlies!!!

Kristina said...

How cute! You and Amanda are awesome. And yes you are nuts :P

Unknown said...

Wow, your drive and hard work is inspiring... well not enough to make me do that but my hats off to you for sure! Actually yesterday Amanda said that she does FIVE PULL UPS IN A ROW now, you two are animals! I can't believe how great you can look at six in the morning after running yourselves to death!
Wow, you sure had a full house the last weekend, did you know that Amanda told us that we should have come to (I would have asked you first of course if it would have worked out). That REALLY would have been a full house, although we don't have a dog to add to the pot

Sage Hanks said...

Ummm i think you are ALLLLL NUTS!!!! Way to go!! I am NOT that motivated!