Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Corinne is ONE Year Old

Camryn and Kendra were both so excited to help prepare for Corinne's birthday party. Then have been counting down the days for at least a week. They helped me make cupcakes, then helped with decorations and present wrapping.

Party Time
Corinne needed a little help with the unwrapping. Once she could see the toy, she reached inside and tried to pull it out, instead of unwrapping it anymore. Daddy had to help her.

She enjoyed playing with her toys, and wasn't happy at first when Daddy took the one she just unwrapped away to give her another to unwrap.


Cupcake Time
Corinne kept taking her hat off, then holding it on her head again, then taking it off, then she threw it on the ground.
She picked up the cupcake and went right for it.

She's a sweet girl and has to share with Daddy.

Corinne basically got 2 baths today. One before her party and one after her cupcakes. She absolutely loves her baths lately, so I think she was okay with it. If she hears the bathtub water running, she crawls into the bathroom as fast as she can. She loves to splash and play.

She likes baths with her sisters best, but she enjoys it alone too.

Here are a couple recent pictures.

Corinne loves her big sisters. Here's the three silly girls ready for bed.

Corinne is such a sweet, mellow baby. She now knows what she wants though. She doesn't just reach for things, she goes and gets them. Tonight, Kent was sitting at the table and Corinne was on his lap. She wanted Kent's eraser that was on the table, she climbed out of his lap onto the table to get it. He let her, because he was right there and thought it was funny how determined she gets. She also knows when she doesn't want something. She is just as determined when she is saying no. She will use every part of her body to get to or away from something.

She is quite the babbler and she makes some pretty articulate sounds. She's soon going to be a pro at this talking thing.
She loves to be held. She loves her sister, daddy, and mommy, and lights up from attention from any one of us. We love her tender, loving spirit.

Corinne, we are all so happy that you are ours.


Katrina Wilson said...

It couldn't have been a whole year since we were chubby buddies together! Wow that went by WAY too fast! she is such a cutie!

Unknown said...

I just love that sweet little Corrine! I can't believe she is already a year, she is such a little thing (especially next to Marley)! I love those pictures they are so cute!!! The picture with the three of the girls together and ready for bed is a definite keeper! A BIG Happy Birthday to my sweet beautiful one year old little niece!!!

Marsha said...

It's hard to believe that it was a year ago that we were holding that sweet tiny new baby. Corinne is such a wonderful addition to our family. Thanks for recording the birthday party. Wish we could have been there.
Your girls are growing up much too quickly, but so beautifully!

Julie w said...

Wow. A whole year huh? That's crazy! What a darling little girl though!