Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Super Halloween

Our girls were so excited to carve pumpkins last week. They were all ready to get their hands slimy and clean out the pumpkins.

Corinne was trying so hard to do it just like her sisters. She had to have her scoop, and would copy everything they did.
We helped the girls carve out their designs. Kent and I did the tricky stuff, but Camryn and Kendra both carved a lot of their own pumpkins. They turned out great!
Kendra made a cat.
Corinne made a silly jack-o-lantern face. She didn't carve much. She really didn't carve at all, but she did get a few seeds out.
Camryn made Jack's face. I guess she likes the Nightmare before Christmas.
Then we were ready for candles.
Pretty cool jack-o-lanterns!
I was able to make it to Camryn's Halloween party at school again this year. The teacher wasn't there that day, because her daughter was sick.
Also, the room mom is supposed to plan the parties. She did nothing.
The substitute teacher was great at improvising though.
Someone bought treats for the class and a 24 count pack of toilet paper.
The kids got into pairs, then turned each other into mummies!
Camyrn's partner was Carolina. She was in Camryn's class last year, and they are in the same class again.
First Camryn turned Carolina into a mummy.

Then Carolina turned Camryn into a mummy.
Pretty good mummies, if you ask me.
The kids had a hard time keeping the toilet paper on their bodies. It would tear easily and slip off. They put it back on themselves as good as they could for a group picture.
Then the teacher had them gather up all the toilet paper for one final fling!
All of the kids seemed to have a lot of fun. I'm glad I was able to be there.
Later that night, our family got ready to go trick-or-treating.
Girl Robin!
Superwomen family!
Don't mess with us!!!
Happy Halloween!!!


Marsha said...

I just loved what the substitute teacher came up with, with the rolls of toliet paper, it was great! I can just picture the kids trying to keep the TP on them! So funny!
It was also fun that I got to personally see the girls in their costumes and view their Jack-O-Lanterns last weekend. Your girls are each so fun. Camryn and Kendra have gotten to be such a big help. I especially enjoyed Corinne's great big smiles that she would give me. Thanks for letting me watch them.

Unknown said...

Could you be a cuter family, HOLY COW!!! And I can't believe how GOOD you look for almost being in your SECOND TRIMESTER!!! I absolutely love those little super heroes and their poses, they are way too cute! It is so funny because Marley got a little goose egg on her head the afternoon of Halloween in the exact same place Corinne has one! I love your pumpkin carvings and that Corinne was putting so much effort into doing it too like her big sisters, WAY TOO CUTE!!! I love their Halloween socks too, those pumpkins turned out AWESOME! Good job girls, I'm way impressed! I love you guys, I can't wait till we live closer. It seems like every time I look at your blog I am ALWAYS saying that to myself (that I want to live right next to you so I can be there with you guys for all this fun stuff!). Love you all so much!!!

Julie w said...

Cute cute costumes! Sad we won't be able to make it up there this month! We'll have to see you in December! Much love!

Johnny Petersen said...

Kent and Kathleen, I think you both are great parents and have such sweet girls. The pumpkins carvings were impressive! Love ya