Monday, September 8, 2008

Camryn Turns 4: A Royal Event

Camryn turned 4 years old on September 6th. She wanted a princess party with castles and this is what we came up with. The girls dressed up like princesses, and the boys like knights. This is Camryn with her good friend Mailei just before the party began.
First, the kids decorated picture frames made out of craft foam.

Each frame had their name on it and they decorated them with foam stickers.

Then we played a game where the kids walked around on pictures of disney princesses to music. One picture had all the princesses; who ever was on that spot when the music stopped got a prize. The girls got princess apparel (crowns, rings, purses, etc) and the boys got knight stuff (inflatable swords and toy figurines).

Then a surprise visitor arrived! The kids were so excited!

The little girls kept talking to Ariel about stuff in the movie and about being a princess. It was so cute. Ariel gave Camryn a special princess purse for her birthday.
Then we took pictures.

Each child got a picture with Ariel. We put the pictures in the frames they decorated earlier.

Then we had the kids sit on pillows and Ariel read them The Princess and the Pea. Then we tested if each child was a real princess (or knight). We had the kids turn their back and placed a pea (ball) under a pillow. Each child took turns trying to find it by sitting on the pillows. Then they got a certificate that said "It is hereby made known that (blank) is a REAL princess (or knight).

See Nicole's blog for more info on Ariel =)

Camryn was so excited to have a castle cake. Don't look too closely, I am not a cake decorator. Then came the presents. Quite a few of the kids offered their help opening gifts at various times. Little Kendra is trying to help with this one.

Jehryn is reading Camryn the card she got her.

Camryn gave Sage a hug to say thanks for the beautiful tutu Sage made her and for this princess set Camryn gets to decorate herself.

Pheonix made Camryn the cutest card. He told her that is a picture of her and him inside with a picture of her house.

The princess got a baby pony from Grandma. The kids had fun playing with Camryn's new castle.

She got lots of stuff that go with her castle. Knights, horses, princesses, a courtyard, and such things.

So, I think it is safe to say that she got spoiled on her birthday. I don't think kids remember their presents, but they do remember the party. And birthdays are about making someone feel special.


Roxanne said...

What a fun party...the boys loved it. In fact they have been taling their picture frame every where talking about "oreal"(that is what they call her). Thanks for the fun time.

Unknown said...

You are such a sweet mom, you made her special day very memorable. I didn't get too see all the activities, how fun!!! Thanks for the fun time!

Sage Hanks said...

You are such an amazing mother. Every time Morg walks by the fridge she points to the picture with Ariel. It was a blast. I think I had the most fun. It was fun to get involved and have that inner kid in me again. I love ya... thanks for inviting us!

The Cook Clan said...

What a fun party! Looks like she had a blast!!! I was glad to see you guys at church on Sunday. We miss you guys!

D said...

What a CUTE idea!! Especially the visit from Ariel. Rachel turned 4 in May and we were a little skimpy on the party since Conover was only 3 weeks old. I don't even think I can show her these pictures, because then she will want Ariel to come here...

The Turnarounds said...

Wow Kathleen, I just have one question, "do you ever sleep?" Where do you hide your cape?! I have always known that you were a person of many talents and skills, but you still continue to outshine yourself more & more. I hope you don't mind that I found your blog, or for me to put you as a friend on mine. It's fun to see what you guys are up to.
I enjoy watching your girls, they are sooo cute and sweet! Paige has told me more than once how Camryn is her best friend. They are a lot of fun to have over.
p.s. Can I be you when I grow up? (:

The Cook Clan said...

Hey I would love to make some bows for you. Just email me your number and we'll get together next time you are down.

Catherine said...

WOW- Instead of being a wedding planner, you could get a job as a birthday party planner. I am soooo impressed!