Thursday, January 8, 2009


My bedroom

To the unknowing-eye, this is a just picture of a plain, undecorated bedroom. This room is seriously lacking some things. Would you believe that 2 days ago, this room was even more barren? I did not have a light in my bedroom. I had a light in my closet, which was a measly source of light when I needed it. What a difference this new wonderful light makes. I can really see things now! You would think that a person would really notice the difference. Especially the person that has been using this room everyday (aka ME). Well, I didn't notice it.

I came home from work yesterday, and Kent was making dinner for me and my girls. It was wonderful! Then he had stuff to make banana splits for desert. He also did the dishes. I was feeling pretty spoiled.

I walked into my room at one point, but didn't notice the light or turn it on. I went in later, to change out of my work clothes into sweats. I turned on the light (it was wired to the switch that used to turn on my closet light). The fan even came on. I proceeded to change and sat on my bed. Then I felt the air and looked up. OH MY GOSH! I sat there, staring at it in shock.

Kent purchased the light and supplies, and installed it while I was at work. Ummm...I was already feeling pretty spoiled. He has sent me 6 red vased roses, twice in this last week. The second time, they came with a pink carnation addressed to Princess Camryn and one addressed to Princess Kendra.

So some of you may be asking now, who is Kent? As hard as this is for me to admit, I am going to say it. I met him online. What caught my attention was how he seemed so family oriented and his amazing sense of humor.

We met in person for the first time on New Year's Day. We went out with Taylor and Amanda, Nicole and Travis, and Jonathan. Yes, he met me and most my family all in one shot and he was a great sport. Little did I know, Nicole and Amanda were in on the light and dinner thing.

What I like most is the spiritual things we have shared. We have been reading scriptures when we get together and sharing our beliefs and experiences. I have never had that.

He has been spoiling my girls, bringing them treats and toys. He also brought his little dog, Tobi. My girls loved him. The poor little dog got malled.

So, I just met Kent a week ago. He has been spoiling all three of us girls like crazy. He has been sweet, fun, and respectful. I am really excited to get to know him better.


Angie said...

How Sweet! Lucky girl!!!! You really need some decorations.... :) We need to get together.

Ryan Rost said...

Sounds like a great guy. You deserve it!

Kent said...

I heard, i forget where, that he thinks you're pretty amazing and he's looking forward to getting to know you better as well!

Danielle said...

Ooh, we have to meet this guy.

Taylor and Amanda said...

Man...the hot people get all the romance! You deserve it soooooo much! We love you so much Kathleen!

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhh, I LOVE IT!!! If you ask me its about time that you got spoiled, you are always the first to drop everything and help everyone else (you have the biggest heart in the world)! That is so awesome, I love the flowers for the girls and how he appropriately addressed them (as princesses). I would say lighting is one of the main areas that needs help in you house, that light looks fantastic!

Unknown said...

Hey, I saw you added the Guardian Angel song. I love that song, Travis plays it on the guitar. I listened to it again and it goes perfectly with you and your girls. Anyway, random but oh well, love you tonz!

Kristina said...

How amazing!

The Cook Clan said...

That is amazing! Thanks for sharing. You are a lucky gal! That is good you need someone like that to treat you and your girls like princesses! I wish you the best of luck. I hope to see a later post of the cute couple!

Sage Hanks said...

K so I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face. And then I see a post from someone named Kent. Umm how amazing. Kathleen you are an amazing person. You are an amazing friend and deserve the WORLD!!!! Brad came home the other night and was telling me about your new friend and I was so giddy and excited. He said Kathleen wants us to double date with them. I screamed. I am so happy for you and can't wait to meet him. Just like Nicole said you are always the 1st to something for someone else now it's TIME you get spoiled!!! Thanks for being an AMAZING friend! You are the greatest and I love you!

The Turnarounds said...

Wow Kathleen! I am So Happy and Excited for You!! You are Such A WONDERFUL PERSON!!! I wish you the very best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Laura said...

Spoiling can be so fun!!! What sweet little princesses. And their mom is the sweetest of all. :)

Jami said...

i think kent is AWESOME...and so are you...and so are your girls. Sounds like a match to me!

Hermana McKenna Pitts said...

How great! Isn't it wonderful when progress is made on your house -- especially when you don't have to do any of it yourself?