Saturday, January 31, 2009

He loves somebody else.....

...and they love him back.
Where does this leave me?
I'm trying to find the appropriate response. I have never been in this situation before.
He loves my family. My entire family.
We'll be spending time with them, and he'll go off with someone else. We go somewhere, and I completely loose him because he's taken off with Dane. He and Dad can talk forever about working on houses and such things. We go to the gym with Taylor and Amanda, and those two guys are quite content to lift weights and leave us girls to do our own thing. Nicole says he fits right in, and she's right.
So where does this leave me? Absolutely ecstatic! I love it! Because, you see, he loves me too.
He is so, so good to me. These past few weeks, he has been working on my house every chance he gets. My bathroom is done! Pictures of that bathroom to come in a later post. There is now a light in my living room. There used to be a big unfinished gap in my kitchen cabinetry next to my dishwasher, but he built a cabinet. There used to be an awkward doorway in my hallway, that is gone. I wish I had pictures, but I don't think you can appreciate the work, because I don't have before pictures. He did such a good job, everything looks like it was already there. He has done even more, but it might get kinda boring if I go into a long list of all he has done.
Not only has he been working on my house, he has helped CLEAN my house, more than once. It's been hard for me to get to it because I have been working a ton. He has washed dishes, vacuumed carpets, and mopped floors.
With all this, he still finds lots of time to spend with me, and he is so fun to spend time with. I think I have found Mr. Perfect. I had no idea there was someone out there that "fit" me so well. That there was someone that would treat me so good. Good is not a strong enough word, amazingly, wonderfully good.
I could go on about all the ways he is perfect for me, but I will spare you.
Sorry for all the mush, but let's face it. I'm in love.


Unknown said...

Ohhhhh, I can't tell you how happy that makes me that Kent treats you so good! Seriously I think that boy is a machine, he never stops. The only worry we (the family) has is that he seems to good to be TRUE!!!
I can't wait to see the pictures of the finished product (the bathroom)!

Unknown said...

I just had to add... THIS IS SO EXCITING I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE IT!!!!!
I'm going to start addressing Kent as your Mr. Right ;)

Unknown said...

YAY!!!! I am so happy for you, and I love reading the mush. I also want to see the pictures of the bathroom and kitchen. I enjoy home improvement projects, especially to see what other people are doing.

Sage Hanks said...

ahahahaha I love this! Who wouldn't love your family. They are amazing and so are you. You so DESERVE this! can't wait for more!

Marsha said...

I had to seriously run and get a Kleenex when I was reading this. I'm still using it!
Words can't express my gratitude for your happiness. It is very long deserved.
I love you.

Laura said...

I'm so glad you found your Mr. Perfect!!!!! I thought that when I met Mike, and I still feel that way today! Hold on to him, Kathleen! And tell your mom her comment made me AND Mike both tear up. We love you and want you to be happy and loved.

Taylor and Amanda said...

I am so happy for you two! This is long over due for you. The thing that makes me the most happy is that you are finally beginning to see how amazing you are and how much you deserve good things in life. I have to admit that I wanted to cry when I read it too. I love you so much Kathleen and am so excited for you!

Danielle said...

I read this post yesterday and I keep thinking about it. Dang it, Kathleen! You deserve this! You are one of the most kind and generous people I know and you deserve someone just as wonderful. I hope that he makes you blissfully happy.

Love ya,

P.S. We want to meet him. Any chance you're headed down this way. jk. :)

The Cook Clan said...

That is so neat to hear!!! You deserve it! You have waited so long for this Mr. Perfect to come into you life! You are an awesome person. I can't wait to meet him.

kent said...

Some have wondered why my comment has been so long in coming. All I can say, is that Not only was I completely flattered by this post, I was also flabberghasted. I've tried hard to come up with something unique, special, and un-cliche. Well, after all of this time, I've failed. So, nevermind!

Kathleen I love you. I'm head over heels and am loving every second of it. You are such an amazing Mother, Sister, Friend, and Girlfriend. It's impossible NOT to love you! I am quite literally the luckiest man alive. You are so much more than I have ever hoped for myself, and so much more than I've ever been able to dream of. I'm in awe that not only does someone like you exist, but that the one that does exist loves ME!!!

I Love YOU

Candra said...

Kathleen, that is so great to hear!! you deserve someone like that!! i am so happy for you and happy for your house!! ;) well congrats on finding such a great guy!! you truly do deserve it!!