Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our Bathroom

Here are the pictures of our bathroom. If you remember my post from 7 months ago, that is when this project began. It has remained untouched since that 4th of July weekend, until Kent came along. He worked really hard to get it all done. There are just a couple odds and ends to finish, but it is pretty much complete. The pictures don't do it justice. He did the tile all by himself. Others told me the design I chose would be too difficult, but he wanted to make it happen for me. He did an amazing job!

I am so HAPPY with the final result!

He also helped me another way yesterday. He watched my girls while I worked. He was quite proud of the four stinky diapers he changed.

Thanks Kent, for the many many ways you have helped me.


Elisa said...

Your bathroom looks great. Kent did an awesome job. I'm so happy for the too of you, you both deserve so much to be happy.

Roxanne said...

Wow, that looks so much different. Is this the bathroom at the back of your house? It looks awesome!
It looks like you have a good guy there. I am so happy for you. I tried to call you the other day but couldn't get through. I will have to try again.
I am glad you have such a good Valentine. You will have to fill me in.

Kathleen said...

It is the bathroom at the back, between the kitchen and the girls room. The colors don't look as good in the pictures as they do in real life. Anyone that wants to stop by and take a peek is welcome.

Danielle said...

FOUR stinky diapers! Way to go Kendra! Way to break him in!!

And that bathroom looks great! And handy guys awesome?

Ashley said...

Holy cow! This looks amazing!

Laura said...

Beautiful bathroom! And he changes poops. Thanks, Kent, for giving Kathleen many things to smile about.

The Cook Clan said...

Looks awesome!!! Wow, I'm amazed at the difference.

Unknown said...

THE BATHROOM LOOKS GORGEOUS! That is amazing, Kent truly is a miracle worker. You should have showed some before pictures because that bathroom was untouchable, no one entered! It looks so amazing, almost too good!
That is impressive, four stinky diapers. And lets face it, Kendra can do a number in those diapers so that is a big accomplishment. He must love you ;)

Sage Hanks said...

That bathroom doesn't even look the same!!! Very VERY nice. Love ya!