Thursday, August 6, 2009

BIG news

The key word here is BIG.

I am at work today. Michele is the main pharmacist here. I usually only work here one day a week, so not all the customers know me. I am helping a man. He asks me where Michele is. I told him I gave her a day off. He asked me my name, and was very polite. He then asks me how far along I am. I am a bit puzzled. I get a lot of customers that comment on how young I am and ask how long I have been out of school. So I ask him, "You mean, how long have I been out of school?" He says no, pointed at my belly, and says, "aren't you with..."

Okay, so yes, I am pregnant. Tomorrow I will be 9 weeks. Nine weeks, and some stranger can already tell I am pregnant! Granted, I am wearing a shirt that pouches a bit in the tummy, but still, there is enough of a pouch that a COMPLETE STRANGER has the guts to ask me about it, and acts like it is a given.

We were planning on announcing this soon, but I figured I better get it out there since it is COMPLETELY OBVIOUS anyway.
Really though, most people we talk to on a regular basis already know. With four people in our house that are all extremely EXCITED, we haven't done a good job keeping quiet. By the time I was 5 weeks along we had already purchased a crib, stroller/carseat combo, and high chair. I'd say we are pretty excited.

The baby is due in March.

To those of you who have tiny tummies, to those who are further along, but I will soon catch up to then surpass in size-- I will try not to be bitter. Just please be considerate of the fact the I am the ONLY one that can make comments about how HUGE I am.


Ashley said...

Congratulations again!! I'm going to love reading about your saga of pregnancy! :) This totally is fueling my already intense baby hunger, y'know.

lol That's so cute that you guys are already prepping--we totally didn't even think about getting that stuff until I was in the 3rd trimester!

I seriously doubt you're THAT big. Just a presumptuous old man--he probably does all the time to women who just look fat. Wouldn't that have been awkward?

Danielle said...

It must have just been your "glow." You don't look pregnant at all yet. Some old people just have a sense about things like that!!

And congrats again! We are very, very excited for you guys!

Grant said...

Dude congratulations! I'm so excited you are going to have a baby!

Briannia said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting(:

Hermana McKenna Pitts said...

You totally do NOT look pregnant. But I will warn you, it pops out earlier with every pregnancy.

Jami said... don't look prego at all! Some people are just clueless?

Marsha said...

I think you're beautiful, and don't look pregnant at all. And I'm sure that I'm not biased either! This baby is so blessed to be able to come to your home and call you mother.

The Cook Clan said...

That is so exciting!!!! Congrats!!!

Unknown said...

Seriously it must have been a pouchy shirt or something because you are tiny! Don't feel too bad because about three weeks ago I had three different people come up to me and say something about me being pregnant, I actually really prefer that over people just thinking I'm chubby. I am SO EXCITED THAT WE ARE PREGNANT TOGETHER!!! Ahhh, I'm already dying to see the little one!!!

Kristina said...

I didn't think it was obvious. If you hadn't announced it at the reunion I never would have guessed. Doesn't he know that complete strangers aren't supposed to ask a woman if she is pregnant? Shoot, family members can barely get away with it :) Anyway, we are so so excited and happy for you guys!

Sage Hanks said...

Yeh the news is OUT! I thought you looked VERY cute the other morning and you didn't look pregnant. I can't wait for the next couple of months. It's going to be sooooo fun! I love you guys!

Laura said...

I already told you at the reunion, but CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I bet the little girls are SUPER excited to be big sisters (again, and for the first time)! That's amazing about the stranger asking. Gina, Jeff's wife, was obviously pregnant at the reunion and i was scared to assume. Ha!

The Turnarounds said...

Congratulations Kathleen! I am So Happy for You!! You are happy with this Kent fella, he must be a great guy! :)

Candra said...

Congratulations!! that is so exciting! I am so happy for you guys!