Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Bite

We fed Corinne real food (if rice cereal can be called real food) for the first time.

First Bite

First Reaction

She got pretty good pretty fast.

Then she started putting her hands in her mouth and sucking on them.






It became challenging to get the spoon in with her hands in the way. Then she would get worked up because you weren't giving her any more.

She was good and messy by the time she was done. She had cereal all over her face, in her nose, up her arms, in her belly button, and on her legs. Overall, she did pretty darn good.


Camryn loves holding her baby sister.
Apparently, this is what happens when you give your children sidewalk chalk.

I don't know what else to say.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL, those pictures of the girls covered in chalk made me laugh out loud (hopefully I didn't wake my girls)! I love Corrine's facial reactions to the food, she is too cute (Marley tries to get her fingers and toes in there when I'm feeding her too, silly girls)!