Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

We went and picked out pumpkins today. I was considering painting them this year, but Camryn had been asking to get pumpkins and make faces and put lights inside. So pumpkin carving we did.

Camryn and Kendra helped as much as they could.

Camryn said she wanted to make a scary face.

They are pretty proud of their pumpkins!


Unknown said...

OH MY HECK!!! I love how you've been updating your blog!!! There aren't any cuter girls than your Camryn and Kendra, that are so cute! I LOVE that you are in a picture too! The pumpkins look GREAT, they sure look proud of them. Camryn should go into the carving business. WAY CUTE!!!

Unknown said...

Me again, sorry! I love the new picture you put up of your girls and the new background, it looks really good!

Unknown said...

Cute pumpkins! I hope you had as much fun with pumpkins at your house as we did at ours, even Chani loved them!

Kristina said...

Wow! Those are awesome pumpkins! The bigger one is pretty scary

Laura said...

Cool pumpkins! I'm very impressed. Mine always get thrown away because I destroy them in the cutting process. ha! Ryan sure sounds like a super friend, Kathleen! Carving pumpkins, mowing the lawn, babysitting, sending flowers, and patiently teaching you to ride a dirt bike. His list of good qualities is growing! You better list some bad qualities quick or we're going to have to approve of him whole-heartedly! ;o)

The Cook Clan said...

Cute pumpkins! I think it is fun to carve them.

D said...

I love carving pumpkins, and I love your pumpkins! Those are impressive. I am going to have to hone my carving skilz for next year :)