Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween is for the kids

I thought I had it made this year, no costumes to buy. You may recognize Camryn's princess dress from her birthday party. When I asked her if she wanted to be a princess, she enthusiastically agreed. Why not use this nice dress we just bought? For Kendra, I thought I could use the costume Camryn wore at her age. It is an adorable white tiger costume. So I thought I had it made.

On Monday, I get out the tiger costume for Kendra to try on. It fit and she looked adorable. I was excited! Of course, Camryn wanted to try on her costume too. So we get out Camryn's costume. As soon as Kendra saw her she pulls at her own costume and says, "off, be princess." When I did not respond, "off, mommy, off. Princess!"

I stewed over this for a couple days. I could just make her wear it. I wanted Halloween to be fun for her, so what do I do? It is now 2 days before Halloween and costumes are slim picking. But Camryn's dress was a dress-up outfit, and guess what, still fully stocked at Target.

So here is Kendra, in her matching princess dress.
They had their Halloween party at daycare today. My girls loved being princesses.

Here is Camryn, with her good friend Mailei at their school party. The kids went out front and waved at passing cars. Lots of cars were honking. They were all so proud of their costumes. It was so cute!

Kendra makes such a cute princess, look at that wave!

Going to the school party, I got to observe my girls. The children were told to go sit on the blue rug and watch cartoons while individual pictures were taken. Camryn goes right to the front and finds her friends. Kendra goes to the very back and sits against the wall. Then, when they go outside, Kendra stays to the back while the rest of the children inch forward. Is this something I should be worried about? I was a shy girl too, and may have acted in the same way, but I can't help but be a bit troubled. Am I not providing her with the confidence she needs? Any suggestions?


Sage Hanks said...

Sorry that I missed it. We were ready to go and Morg was so crabby and tired from her shots. I would've had to hold her the whole time and I wasn't up for it. The girls look so darling!

Danielle said...

You have such beautiful princesses! And they each are lucky to have each other for a sister. :) Looks like you guys had fun!!

Candra said...

they are so cute in thier princess costumes!! how fun! and i love your pumpkins too. they turned out really good!!

Unknown said...

Oh my heck, they are SOOOO CUTE!!! I just want to grab Kendra and give her a big kiss on those cheeks! She has always wanted to be just like Camryn.It seems like Camryn loves the spotlight and Kendra is just content not matter what. I don't think there is anything to worry about, Kendra has always been more quiet and reserved. I think she is just like her mommy :) You really have such beautiful little princesses. Love the princess wave, she was born to be royalty!

Kristina said...

Sooooo Cute! I love their matching dresses! A similar thing happened to my friend except her little boy decided he wanted to be a triceratops at the last minute :P

The Cook Clan said...

What little cuties! How fun it must have been for them to match.

Hermana McKenna Pitts said...

I hate costume drama! But you ended up with two cute little princesses. And I'm sure the dresses will provide them with lots of dress-up play time.

Catherine said...

Oh, I love the matching princesses. Kids do get certain things stuck in their mind and there's no hope in changing it. Maybe she can wear the other costume next year:)

tenille said...

Kathleen, I think that some kids are just not quite as extroverted as others. As long as Kendra plays well with her sister and other kids occasionally I wouldn't be too concerned. I was really shy, too, until I was in sixth grade or so.

They are ADORABLE princesses! You are one lucky mommy :)