Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Let's make a new rule

This is Camryn's new thing.

The other day, I tell her that we are going to have spaghetti for dinner. Spaghetti is her favorite.

She says, "Hey mom, let's make a new rule: that we have spaghetti every night for dinner! Can we make that a rule, mommy?"

Usually it is something like this, that is not very practical. I have to explain to her why we shouldn't make that a rule. Once or twice she has come up with something good, like hugs and kisses every night before bed. When I tell her we can make that a rule, she gets pretty excited. She says,"Okay then, it is a rule!"


Danielle said...

I'd have spaghetti every night for dinner if my kids could follow the "no getting food on the ground, chairs or wall" rule.

Marsha said...

I think you should make the rule that you see Grandma at least twice a month! How about that rule Camryn?!

The Cook Clan said...

Oh that's cute!

Unknown said...

Camryn is one little girl who wouldn't mind calling all the shots, the world would be a better place if she did make all the rules! It was the BEST getting to see you all this weekend, we love you all so much!

Taylor and Amanda said...

Hey! I miss you guys! Can't wait to see pics of the new baby when she comes! I love you!