Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter in Washington

Nicole and Travis were headed to Washington to visit Taylor and Amanda over Easter weekend. We were so happy when we found out it would work for us to go too.

Corinne and Marley finally got to meet. These two are destined to be best friends
(if their moms have any say in it).

Marley is 2 months older than Corinne. Two months obviously makes a big difference. Look at how big Marley is!

..................................................I helped Nicole make a Moby-type wrap. We just bought some fabric and viola!
Cute chunky baby wrapped up!

Taylor and Amanda hadn't had a chance to meet Corinne yet.
That awkward looking position is Corinne's favorite. She likes to look at the face of the person holding her.

We had so much fun hanging out, watching movies, and playing games. The guys even watched the kids one day so Nicole, Amanda, and I could go to Spokane for a day of shopping.

Coloring Easter Eggs
Camryn and Kendra first colored their eggs with crayons before we dyed them.
Kent and Nicole helped too.
Finished product.

Easter Egg Hunt

The girls are ready to go!

Corinne enjoyed the Easter egg hunt too, just like this.

Amanda fed us so well. Among other things, she made some cinnamon rolls that were OUT OF THIS WORLD! On Easter, she made a wonderful pork tenderloin with red potatoes, rolls, veggies, and a strawberry fruit salad. It was AMAZING.
What a pretty cook!
Here is Travis, Nicole, Amanda, and Taylor enjoying our Easter meal.
We were sad to leave. We had such a good time. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful family. But we had to pack up and head out.
It was a 7 hour drive. We are lucky our girls travel so well.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and had time to remember our Savior, that he died and lives for us.

Happy Easter


Unknown said...

I am SOOOO glad that you guys were able to go up the same week!!! It was so much fun, I love you all so much! Thank you so much for the moby wrap, I have worn it every day so far I find I can get so much more done holding Marley and having my hands free! I didn't get a good picture of us wearing ours together. Corrine is truly an angel, I just want to kiss her sweet cheeks when I look at the pictures. The pictures don't even do her justice (she is even more beautiful in person) and she looks even smaller than Marley in real life. I love you guys and I'm so grateful for the times we get to spend together!

The Cook Clan said...

How fun!!!!! I love all the cute pics! I love, love, love, Washington!

Taylor and Amanda said...

I am so glad that you guys could make it! We had such a blast! Your girls are so cute and I was so excited to be able to meet Corinne! LOVE HER! You forgot to mention how much you helped while you were here or your amazing cookies that I'm pretty sure put 5 pounds on me! We love you so much and miss you already!

Candra said...

gosh your girls are cute!! it looks like you guys had a great easter!! and how fun that your baby and her cousin are so close in age!!