Monday, April 26, 2010

One Year Ago

I have the best husband ever. I never could have imagined that I would find someone like him, someone that fits me so well and treats me so good.

This week has been a perfect example of how good he is to me. I posted about the baby shower I organized. This shower was my idea. We were very limited with dates to have it. I was scheduled 7 strait days with out a day off. On the evening of the 7th day, after I got off work, was the shower... at my house. The day before I was stressing a little and trying to get everything done. Among other things, the biggest to-do that night was cleaning the house. Kent told me not to worry about cleaning, that he would do it the next day while I was at work. He wanted to spend time doing something together. As we were going to bed, he asked what time I was going to get up the next morning. I told him I had to get up early to make cupcakes before work. He said that he would make the cupcakes.
When I got home from work, the house was spotless. He had cleaned, dusted, mopped, and even washed our bed sheets. He had made the cupcakes, and star ice cubes. He helped me right until the shower started, getting set up and food ready and stuff. This shower would have been so much more stress and work without his help. I don't think I could have pulled it off.
The most amazing thing about all of this to me is the fact that I didn't even have to ask. He is so willing to help me. He hold my needs so high.
Besides this, he is such a hard worker, especially on our house. The transformation our house had made over the last year is stunning. He is so talented.
He is an amazing father. He is firm, yet also loving. He is a great teacher. He has built such a great relationship with our kids.
He puts so much effort into all of these things.
There are so many other great things about him. I love him so much and am so grateful to be his wife.


The Cook Clan said...

We too are glad he came into your life! You guys are so cute together. Thanks for being our buddies.

Kristina said...

So sweet :) We are so happy for you and your sweet family :) We loved getting to meet Kent and I loved getting you know you better last year at the reunion. We think you are both amazing :) And such cute girls too!

Lybi said...

Sooo Sweeeeeet! You deserve this wonderful guy.

Jacqueline said...

What a sweet tribute. You both deserve each other so much. I love hearing about how happy your family is. It's a beautiful family.

Katrina Wilson said...

what a sweetheart! Please tell him Thank you for me! you both are the best! Thanks for throwing me a shower. I am going to miss you the most when I move!!

Unknown said...

I can't believe its almost been a year ago that you two were married. In a way it seems like just yesterday but in another way I couldn't imagine you without Kent or the whole family without him. I'm so glad that Kent treats you like a queen and puts your needs above himself. We love you guys!

Julie w said...

Kent is pretty awesome!! But then again you are too so you two together make such an amazing couple! So glad you found each other! Happy 1 year!!

We need to see and hold that baby of yours! Plus, the girls need their best friends back. When are you guys coming down again?

Marsha said...

We're kind of glad that he's part of the family too. I think you're both abundantly blessed to have each other. You are both amazing people.
I've been thinking (I should say daydreaming) a lot about being in Costa Rica about a year ago with you two. That was a memory I love to go back to in my mind. I love you so much.

Taylor and Amanda said...

I love that he came into your life and our family! You deserve so much and I'm so glad to see you happy. Your post made me cry. I can't decide if that's because it was sweet or if it's because I miss you guys so much. Love you and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!