Monday, August 18, 2008

Chapstick Wars

Sisters, two years apart in age. What one loves, the other seems to find new appreciation for as well. Here is Camryn, with one of her new loves, her Tinkerbell chapstick.This is what Camryn did to Kendra when Kendra decided she was going to take that chapstick away and not give it back.
Yup, thats one bad bite mark. Camryn actually bit Kendra on the face. Camryn is in big trouble. Girls fight dirty.


Danielle said...

Oh my goodness! Justin did that to Charlotte once on the side of the face too. Who knew you could get a mouthful there to bit anyway? Kids fight dirty. :-O

Heather Aleece said...

Holy crap!!! I didn't realize it was bit marks until you mentioned it. Now I can see that she got a whole mouthful. You are RIGHT, girls for sure are the dirtiest fighters.

Life in SLC is good, although I miss Twin Falls and the Browns:(

Kristina said...

Ouch! Though I'm still trying to figure out how that is physically possible? Kids must have flexible jaws :P

The Herres Family said...

Ouch poor little thing! Unfortunately that's what kids do girls are dirty fighters. Looks like you are enjoying the summer and all the good food from the garden.

Laura said...

Oh, poor sweet Kendra. We have our own little girl fights in our house. We're still just pushing or sitting on, though. I don't look forward to the day they discover that teeth and fingernails can be weapons too. Bummer.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!! Note to self: "DO NOT mess with Camryn's lipstick!"

The Cook Clan said...

OUCH! That is a bad bite mark. Girls do play dirty sometimes.