Saturday, January 7, 2012

Baby Ultrasound

We had our first ultrasound at 15 weeks, thanks to a friend, Chan. Our baby was snuggled up against one side of my uterus with it's arms and legs close together. Our main goal this day was to find out if our baby was a boy or a girl. Chan tried and tried to get a good view, but our baby was shy. We were about to call it undetermined, when she got one really good shot that looked like boy parts. We were pretty excited, but we didn't want to get our hopes up too much.

Here is our cute baby, with its body snug against me.
We just had our official ultrasound, at 22 weeks 5 days. It is now official, we are having a BOY!!!!
Again, the baby's face was up against the placenta. The ultrasound tech tried and tried to get a good face shot, but had difficulty. Here are the shots she did get.
The baby's hands are also in front of his face, but you can see his forehead, eyes, and nose.
Here his face is peeking between the placenta and an arm.
Cute baby toes (lots of room down here)
He did show us his legs, and his little boy parts, but I'll just share one of his legs.
We are all so excited to be having a boy!
My sister, Nicole and I are both having boys. We are due within a week of each other. Without planning, our ultrasounds were scheduled on the same day, twice. We were both first scheduled on December 16th, but had to reschedule. We didn't know until the day of this ultrasound that Nicole was also going in on the same day. We were also together when Chan did ultrasounds for both of us, and both saw boy parts that day too.
These will both be the first two grandsons in our family. I have 3 girls and Nicole has 2 girls.
We are so EXCITED!!!


Ashley said...

Congratulations!! We're big fans of the big sister/little brother situation over here. :)

Danielle said...

Congratulations! And it's especially exciting because he'll have a boy cousin his same age. I think back to the fun we all had as kids, and I'm so glad we had cousins so close in age. :) Love you guys!

Tiffanie said...

Congrats! That's so exciting that you're having a baby boy! :)

The Cook Clan said...

Ah that is so exciting! Congrats!!!