Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Corinne's talking

Last night, after our family prayer, Corinne decided it was her turn to say a prayer. She folded her arms, squinted her eyes and said her first prayer, "Heh-ee Fa-er, Amen!" We thought it was pretty cute.

She's saying all sorts of things and starting to try to copy lots of words she hears. Here are some of her words and expression:
"sissy"--she loves her sissies.
"mean"--as she tattles on someone that she thinks is being mean, like her sisters or Kent or me after disciplining her. She's really good at scowling when she says this.
"nice"--she tells someone that is "mean" to be nice.
"mess"--to tell us that she or someone else just made a mess.
"tickle, tickle"--as she tried to tickle you, or get you to tickle her.
"show"--when she wants to watch a show on tv.

Some other words she says: dog, Bay-ee (our dog Bailey), Ay-ee (our other dog, Annie), mommy, dadda, papa (grandpa), pease, y welcum (your welcome), pop, pie (she learned that one at Thanksgiving), hi, go bye bye (she loves to go places), night night, bed, up (when she wants up), poop, bum (both can be said in reference to needing a diaper change), shoes, on, off, mine, and tub (when she wants to take a bath).

She is learning to talk so quickly, and says things with so much expression. She is putting these words together sometimes too. We can't believe how fast she is growing up. Pretty soon she won't be the baby anymore, and she is showing it.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Those first few words are so adorable. I try to remember to take videos now and then of them talking because soon they'll be talking (back) in full sentences and their voices lose that baby pitch. It's fun to look back on and it's fun to see how quickly they grow!