Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thanksgiving 2011

This year was a wonderful traditional Thanksgiving Holiday for my family. My parents put on a great meal. My mom made wonderful food and my dad made wonderful pies. We had most of the family together, only Camryn, Kendra, Taylor, and Amanda were not able to be with us. We enjoyed good food and time together. This normal Thanksgiving Holiday became a very special day. This was the last time I saw my brother, Dane.
Nicole and Dane
He had just recently cut his hair. We rarely saw it this length.
I could very easily bury myself in I wish I had... and If only... statements.
I really do wish I had spent more time with Dane. I wish I had told him what a truly amazing person he is. He really is one of a kind.
I know I can't fill my life with what ifs. I can be grateful for every moment I did share with Dane. I am so, so grateful to be his sister. I can enjoy memories of Dane. I can learn from the wonderful person that he is.
This Thanksgiving Holiday included some special memories.
The men of the family collected a bunch of Nerf Dart Guns. The guns were supposed to be for Christmas. The plan the entire time was to have a battle. The guys couldn't wait for Christmas. The Nerf Guns came out on Thanksgiving Day.
Jonathan and Travis
All of the guys ended up ganging up on Dane.
Dane was a good sport. All the guys seemed to be having fun.
I miss that smile.
A day has not passed that I have not thought about Dane. Sometimes it still seems like it's not real. Like he could walk into the room at any moment.
I know that Dane is in a better place, and that I will get to see him again someday.
So I hang on to that, and to the wonderful memories I have of Dane, and to the way he would live and would want me to live.
I love you, Dane. Thank you for all you have shown me.


Unknown said...

I miss him so much, these last pictures of him really pull at my heart strings. I can just see what he would look like as a missionary, he has been growing and changing so much in the last year (especially the last few months). I just want to reach through the pictures and grab him in a huge hug, that is something I long to do more than I ever thought possible. Some day we'll be able to. I'm so grateful to be his sister as well and part of this amazing family. Thank you Kathleen for this post, I love you so much.

Marsha said...

Your words rang so true for me. I don't know if a minute passes in my life without thinking of that boy. And words can't describe the longing and the missing. But I too am eternally grateful for the time he was with us. What an incredible person he is. And so are the rest of my children.