Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas 2011

This year, I got our tree put up on Friday, December 9th. On Saturday night, we decided to put the girls hair in curlers for some Christmas pictures before church the next morning. Camryn wanted rag rolls and Kendra wanted the tight spiral curls again.
The next morning, Kendra was photogenic, as usual.Beautiful Camryn
Corinne was being a stinker. She would not sit for a picture.
First she would not sit with her sisters, then when she did sit, she closed her eyes. She was doing everything she could to avoid a picture. I wish I would have thought to take a picture of her closing her eyes, but I was too frustrated at the time to think about that. Oh well, I can laugh about it now.
I got a couple that turned out.
A few days later, all holiday plans went out the window and we rushed to Blackfoot.
Camryn and Kendra got a lot of quality time with Kaydence.
We all decided to spend Christmas at my parents house. We were all together, all my brothers and sisters and their families.
This year, we said our kids didn't need a lot of toys. They already have lots of things. Somehow, they still got spoiled. I guess we can't help it.
Between us and my parents, they got scooters, remote controll cars, a remote controll helicopter, make-up, perfume (only because they kept asking Santa for it), clothes, ZhuZhu pets and play center, Furreal cats, and other odds and ends.
Corinne was more into the candy. I think Sprees gave her those green lips. We finally got her interested in her presents, but each time she opened one she just wanted to play with it. She didn't want to open any more. Marley was doing the same thing. It took those two little girls the longest to open all their gifts.
Marley and Corinne were adorable.
It was wonderful to spend the holiday as a family. We shared a lot together over the last 10 days. Our favorite was sharing memories of Dane. I'm grateful to be part of this family. I'm grateful for the love we share.


The Cook Clan said...

Oh what a fun fun time for everyone to be together and spend the night. I always thought that would be fun!

Unknown said...

Corinne and Marley are so stinkin cute together! I love how they copy each other and how they play, they are so cute!!! I am so grateful for how close our girls are, you guys are such a huge blessing to us. While this was a hard Christmas it definitely was memorable and had moments that have brought us closer together for sure. Talking about Dane is definitely my favorite part too :) I hope we'll get to see you this weekend or sometime soon, I love you guys so much!!!